

Shop opening hours

ZH: Monday, Thursday and Friday 17.30h-20.00h
LU: Friday 17.30h-20.00h

Trial day & basic training

09:30 o'clock: Shop ZH
10:15 o'clock: Übungshang Menzingen

The practice slope is wet and slippery. Sturdy shoes with a grippy sole will get you safely through the day. You'll have more fun.

Highflights Zürich

08:00 o'clock: Shop ZH
09:00 o'clock: Büelen

Moderate, strong to stormy southeast wind from 1500m above sea level whistling around the Titlis massif. Check out XC Term ICON-D2

We fly down in the wind-protected Engelberg valley.

Final decision tomorrow at 06:00 am.
Only if the valley is open, meeting point as announced.


10:30 o'clock: Brändlen

Trainingday for licensed pilots. 

We train spirals and wingovers.

Final decision tomorrow at 06:00 am. Only if the valley is open, meeting point as announced.

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