The first day seems a distant memory! At short notice and due to the weather, we changed our original plan and flew to Porterville instead of heading for the Wilderness. As the start of a week of flying, this is quite challenging, but the thermals welcomed us with surprisingly gentle conditions. The long and exhausting drive to Wilderness in the evening quickly faded in the light of the beautiful memories and experiences of the day. Only a short stop at Kentucky Fried Chicken remains in my memory - my first (and last) time eating fast food on a trip!
The rest of the days blend into a beautiful experience. Top landing training in Sedge, endless soaring sessions over the Indian Ocean, group flights along the Paradiseridge and bonding moments in the evening with everyone around the fire in the garden or enjoying meat kebabs in the restaurant. We spent a windy afternoon with the rescued elephants in the Knysna Elephant Park. Kleinmond, Sir Lawryspass and cross-country flying in Porterville are other highlights that we could also write a lot about. The list of flying adventures is long!
In addition to all the beautiful flying areas, good food and picturesque scenery, the many smiling faces after the long flights will be a lasting memory. The progress that can be seen after two weeks of daily flying - simply fantastic!
Absolutely worth mentioning is the flexibility that we enjoy with our hosts every year: Barry and Candice put possible flight hours above their own comfort and can guarantee flight days with their infrastructure. A unique service that no one else in South Africa can offer. Thanks to this flexibility, we ended up flying 14 out of 14 days!
Many thanks to everyone who took part and made the two weeks possible!
We are looking forward to the next South Africa Weeks in 2025.