Special attention should be paid to the presence, handling and maintenance of the reserve parachute. If you and your reserve parachute are always ready, flying will be more carefree.
Your savior
To be prepared in the event of loss of control, you should take a reserve parachute with you on every flight. If the worst happens, it should open as quickly and as controlled as possible. Especially with a low safety altitude, every fraction of a second counts when opening the canopy. This opening must take place as quickly and as far away from the pilot as possible. Various factors such as throwing speed, descent speed and flight speed influence how quickly the parachute opens. But the type of parachute and the time it has been packed in the harness also influence the opening behavior.
In our opinion, the emergency parachute is not just another piece of equipment that will work once it is packed. It is the last link in the safety chain and must always be included in our considerations. The following points are important so that the emergency parachute opens quickly and saves your life:
- Sufficient flight altitude 50 – 100 meters from the ground, the more the better
- Mental readiness
- Correct pulling
- Einwandfreies funktionieren des Systems Gurtzeug–Notschirm
The best way to practice mental readiness is during every flight, for example after takeoff when you are properly seated in the harness. To do this, feel with your hand from your knee along your thigh to the handle. Imagine the throwing process. You will then be able to continue flying with a good feeling.
We can only recommend emergency parachute training over the lake. In our shop you have the option of pulling your emergency parachute in the trailer at any time, or using our emergency parachute dummy. Here we can also show you the correct movement sequence and point out special features of your own harness emergency parachute system.In case of emergency
But the most important thing is: in an emergency, grab the handle and get out! As hard and as fast as possible! Even if you are already low, there is no such thing as too low! If you still have no control of your paraglider after three seconds following a flight disturbance, throw the reserve. If you are low, throw immediately.
To ensure functionality, the rescue parachute must be installed correctly, positioned correctly in the harness and all components must be fresh and functional. The longer a rescue parachute is in your harness, the more likely it is that the rubber closures will age, shift within the container and the fabric will stick together.
We recommend repacking every six months, but the reserve parachute must be repacked in the spring. Your skills will be rusty in the spring, the air will be turbulent and there is a high probability of losing control. Therefore: winter is packing time. All of our flight instructors are certified reserve parachute packers and look forward to checking your parachute and repacking it!