Material checks

Do you check your equipment?

We paraglider pilots appreciate being free. There are hardly any legal requirements for flying equipment and its control. The responsibility lies with us. This means that we have to handle the equipment and check it regularly ourselves.

Check what?

The parachute, emergency parachute and harness, including buckles and carabiners, should be checked regularly. The manufacturer specifies maintenance intervals and the service life of the device in the instructions for use. Here we offer general recommendations for checks and maintenance, which serve as a guideline regardless of brand, but may differ from the manufacturer's specifications.

The Wing

It is advisable to visually inspect the glider after every flight, especially when folding it up at the landing site. Risers, lines and the canopy should be checked for damage such as tears, fraying or holes. If you are unsure, you can seek advice from experienced pilots or the flying school. Damaged core breaks in the lines, altered trim or changes in air permeability are difficult to detect yourself and require a professional check. 

This should generally be carried out every two years, after 80-100 flying hours, 150 flights or, for example, after a tree landing, or according to the manufacturer's instructions. A complete paraglider check costs between CHF 300 and 360. 

Please contact us by e-mail so that we can carry out your paraglider check in good time.

The harness

Harnesses with foam protectors are durable, but should be checked regularly for chafing and fraying. Foam loses volume over time and dampens less, which is why it is advisable to replace it every five years. Airbag protectors, on the other hand, are more sensitive to ageing, as the air impermeability of the fabrics and the structure of the airbag deteriorate. We recommend having harnesses with airbags professionally checked every three years.

The carabiners

Particular attention should be paid to carabiners and closures. Aluminum carabiners should be replaced every 500 flying hours or 3-5 years, steel carabiners every 1500 flying hours or 5-8 years. Damaged carabiners or those that do not close properly must be replaced immediately. A new pair of carabiners costs around CHF 60.

The reserve parachute

We recommend repacking the rescuer every six months. When repacking, the rubber bands, which become sticky and brittle as they age, must be replaced. It is also important to air the reserve over several days to discharge static charges and ensure optimum deployment. Compatibility with the harness and reliable deployment are also checked. Emergency parachutes made of nylon lose their elasticity over time due to the loss of plasticizers and become more fragile. Parachutes that are more than ten years old should therefore be replaced. A new folding costs CHF 90 at and is completed within a week.

In conclusion

Material checks are less exciting than flying and also involve a lot of effort. Whether they are worthwhile depends on the pilot and how important their equipment is to them. We recommend flying with tested equipment. will be happy to assist you as an expert with repairs, checks and uncertainties.