
Playing with your wing on the ground

We have our paraglider for flying. However, the experienced ground handler knows that it can be just as cool not to take off with it. With ground handling, you learn about your own reactions and limits and expand them. The result is a better feel for the glider and therefore safer takeoffs and an active flying style.

All beginnings...

The term ground handling has been established for pull-up exercises, ground training, playing with the wind, etc. It is not a tedious training that you have to do because it is not flying at the moment. Playing with the glider and the wind is fun (the better you are at it, the more so), it keeps you warm and is so multifaceted that it could be considered a discipline in itself. The advantage of ground handling is that you can practice it on your own right from the start; you can also go ground handling unsupervised as a student. Like so many things in life and with paragliding, it is a question of practice and routine. We recommend that you start practicing as soon as possible.

What to do?

It is easy if you start from what is known: the position for starting backwards. The first exercises could be, for example:

  • You practice the backstart as you have learned it.
  • I inflate the glider a little and then slow it down again. This gives me a feeling of how quickly the glider is filling up and how well it is climbing, how much momentum I need (as little as possible, let the wind do the work). Pay attention to your position: Am I standing in the middle, hips straight, even pull on the A-lines and leading edge? What happens if I walk away from or towards the glider while it is inflating?
  • Hold the glider above you in the reverse takeoff position (twisted). This can be more or less difficult depending on the wind strength. Pay attention to your braking impulse: how strong can and must it be for the glider to react? - and now right is left and left is left, right?
  • If that works, then turn out and hold the glider in the forward takeoff position above your head. Hang into the harness and look forward (towards the horizon), feel the glider (is it tipping backwards/shooting forwards?) and correct it.

These are ideas to get you started, not a training program. Always practice and try what you enjoy.


A laminar wind of 10 - 20 km/h is best for ground handling. The better you are, the more wind you can handle. If you are inexperienced, too much wind can be dangerous and frustrating. Laminar winds, like those we find on the coast, are rare in Switzerland. Make sure the wind is not too gusty. Valley winds are often good for ground handling. NO ground handling in foehn winds, in fronts or thunderstorms!


The advantage of ground handling is that you don't need a mountain - but you do need space! The area must be able to be freely blown by the wind. Rows of trees, houses, etc. cause turbulence and gusts. The area should also be free of obstacles that you could collide with if something goes wrong. Fenced football fields, city parks, etc. therefore seem rather unsuitable to us. In the vicinity of cities, common land is often worth a visit; it is large, belongs to the public and is mowed regularly. (for example. Allmend Luzern, Allmend Brunau Zürich, Allmend Frauenfeld, etc).

Ground handling is permitted at some take-off and landing sites, but not at others; find out more! NO ground handling while pilots are landing. Avoid ground handling when the grass is high. Many flight schools have practice slopes; however, in most cases, their use is subject to a specific agreement or rental and is not permitted for all pilots. So please ask the flight school and the farmer first.

Groundhandling without dealing with the ground

You are never as close to the ground as you are when doing ground handling. This carries a risk of injury. Always prepare yourself properly (5-point check), wear a helmet and gloves. If you are unsure, join experienced pilots. Always choose conditions and places that match your ability and gut feeling. There is strength in calm and wind, and mastery in practice. So stay on the ground!