
Breathing for a better flight

Breathing is the easiest way to access our subconscious. If that sounds too esoteric for you, here is a tangible explanation.

Breathing, a part of the autonomic nervous system, is at the same time the only part of it that we can consciously control. We have no direct access to the heart rate or digestion. However, we can access many of our bodily functions via our breathing. For example, we can regulate our heart rate via our breathing. We can send signals to our brain and influence its function. It is therefore possible to regulate focus, tension and relaxation through breathing. These states are central to life and also to flying, which brings us back to the topic.

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Breathing for flying

As already described in the article on freediving, we can use various breathing techniques for flying. If you can focus for longer, you will fly longer and make better decisions. Those who can actively relax use less energy and therefore have more left over for longer flights. If you can recover quickly after a scare, you will soon be able to think clearly again, recognize opportunities and make good decisions.

On our flights to the Bernese Oberland and Madeira, we will incorporate this knowledge practically during a yoga session before flying. 

Simplified physiological explanation

Breathing in enlarges the chest cavity, the heart and the large blood vessels gain more volume. Thus, according to Bernoulli, the blood flows more slowly. We know this from aerodynamics lessons. Our heart and brain register this and the brain tells the heart to pump faster. When we exhale, the chest cavity shrinks and the brain sends the message: ease off the gas, take it easy.

The heart rate can therefore be regulated by breathing. And the brain can be given the signal for safety and relaxation. Or, conversely, the signal to wake up and focus. In this way, the brain can regulate the function of the brain. 

During moments of stress, the heart rate accelerates. The muscles tense up, perception focuses on the potential danger and blocks out external factors (e.g. the poorly visible telephone line at the edge of the landing area). Relaxation promotes foresight, creative thinking and expands the perception of potential dangers and, above all, opportunities.

Basically, breathing out more slowly than breathing in promotes relaxation. A breathing cycle of around ten seconds works well. Four seconds for inhalation and 6 seconds for exhalation. After just a few breaths, the body relaxes and cognitive abilities increase.

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Breathing training at home 

Here are a few simple techniques to learn how to relax better in flight. It's worth practicing regularly so that you can remember them in the air. A few minutes spread out over the day is enough. 

The Body Scan

A simple technique to train body awareness. The best way to start is lying down or sitting. Place one hand on your stomach to feel the breathing movement in the abdominal region. How do your stomach and diaphragm move? Later, all other parts of the body are added until a complete “picture” of the body's state is perceptible and targeted relaxation is possible.

The Breathing Box 

The tried and tested method for learning to control your breath. Inhale, hold your breath, exhale, hold and inhale again during sessions of constant length. Four seconds is enough to start with, but with a little training the individual sides of the box become longer.

The Natural Sigh

This is the most effective method for regulating the heart rate downwards again in acute stress situations. Sighing is a natural process that we do unconsciously throughout the day and during sleep. Sighing shows the best results, both in lowering the heart rate in the short and long term. Inhale deeply through the nose, followed by one or more quick breaths to fill the lungs completely. This is followed by a passive and slow exhalation. The shoulders relax, the heart rate drops and you can quickly think more openly again.


Application in flight

Once you have practiced the body scan, you can also use it in the air. Constantly checking your whole body and your breathing for unnecessary tension and the resulting loss of energy helps you to notice tension early on. Crossing valleys or the stretch between thermal tubes are good times to do the body scan. The more relaxed your body, the more free you will be! 

Diaphragmatic breathing with slow exhalation helps you relax permanently. Regular sighing, e.g. after a turbulent passage, is the quick way back to a relaxed flying style. 

We wish you good and relaxed flights and hope that this input helps you to glide even better and safer through the third dimension!