Flying in Greece

Adventuretravel 2024

Vom abenteuerlichen Startplatz über Platanos starten wir in die Griechenland Rundreise. Super schön über das weite Meer, die Landung dann direkt am Strand inmitten stillgelegter Segelyachten und neben der Strandbar!

We start our Greece tour from the adventurous starting point above Platanos. It's super beautiful over the wide sea, and we land right on the beach in the middle of forgotten sailing yachts and next to the beach bar! 

After a few days on the island, we head to Ioannina, with a stopover in Chanopolo, "where everything goes up and almost nowhere goes down." Ioannina welcomes us with a single day of flying, but then Zeus spoils our plans with wind and rain. With all the bad weather, we decided to go towards Drama, which is also a nice flying area in Greece. 

There is no flying in Drama either, but the city center offers culinary variety and nightlife. For the last two days, the gods decided on nice flying in Drama. And we get the necessary refreshment for all the exertions in our favorite Greek restaurant: Pastouramas. All in all, life is pretty good in Greece!

Many thanks to all participants, we are already looking forward to the next adventure in Greece in August!
