Whether it's a harness, a canopy or a reserve parachute, regardless of the brand, all of our flight equipment has one thing in common: it is tested and certified by AIR TURQUOISE and is therefore approved for the market. Not a test for the faint of heart!
Testing on the shores of Lake Geneva
AIR TURQUOISE was founded in 1995 on the initiative of Alain Zoller, who is still the head of the test operation based in Villeneuve on Lake Geneva. Here, paraglider material receives EN certification (European standard). In the in-house workshop, the material is put through its paces and weak points are examined and measured using various test procedures. The paragliders are flown and tested right on the doorstep and, if everything goes smoothly, receive the class seal sought by the manufacturer. EN-A, -B, -C or -D. Zoller and his team have already tested over 1,500 umbrellas: a sometimes nerve-wracking task.
In a recently published video, the professionals let us look over their shoulders as they work and provide insight into their everyday lives and the testing procedure, a matter that involves a lot of paperwork and heart palpitations.